Book Sale Sessions

At the upcoming International Blending Conference in Baarlo, book sale sessions are scheduled for Saturday and the Lord’s Day, as outlined below.

10/28 SaturdayBooksale session 1: 09:00 – 09:50
10/28 SaturdayBooksale session 2: 12:00 – 13:00
10/28 SaturdayBooksale session 3: 14:30 – 15:20
10/28 SaturdayBooksale session 4: 17:30 – 18:30
10/29 Lord’s DayBooksale session 5: 08:30 – 09:05

Due to technical issues, we may encounter difficulties in processing card payments. Kindly ensure you have cash prepared as an alternative.

Here is the list of books available during the conference. Please note that there are limited copies for each title. In the event of sell-outs during the conference, you may still attempt to purchase them (not all titles) from Lebensstrom’s online bookshop after the conference.

English Publications

Life-Study of Genesis, vol. 1    15.00 €
Life-Study of Genesis, vol. 2    16.00 €
Life-Study of Genesis, vol. 3    16.00 €
Life-Study of Genesis, vol. 4    16.00 €
Life-Study of Genesis, vol. 5    13.00 €
Life-Study of Genesis, vol. 6    15.00 €
Life-Study of Genesis, vol. 7    11.00 €
Life-Study of Exodus, vol. 1    16.00 €
Life-Study of Exodus, vol. 2    16.00 €
Life-Study of Exodus, vol. 3    16.00 €
Life-Study of Exodus, vol. 4    15.00 €
Life-Study of Exodus, vol. 5    15.00 €
Life-Study of Exodus, vol. 6    16.00 €
Life-Study of Exodus, vol. 7    11.00 €
Life-Study of Exodus, vol. 8    17.00 €
Life-Study of Leviticus, vol. 1    18.00 €
Life-Study of Leviticus, vol. 2    16.00 €
Life-Study of Numbers, vol. 1    14.00 €
Life-Study of Numbers, vol. 2    13.00 €
Life-Study of Deuteronomy    15.00 €
Life-Study of Joshua, Judges & Ruth    15.00 €
Life-Study of 1 & 2 Samuel    16.00 €
Life-Study of 1 & 2 Kings    13.00 €
Life-Study of 1 & 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther    14.00 €
Life-Study of Job    15.00 €
Life-Study of Psalms, vol. 1    17.00 €
Life-Study of Psalms, vol. 2    16.00 €
Life-Study of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs    13.00 €
Life-Study of Isaiah, vol. 1    11.00 €
Life-Study of Isaiah, vol. 2    11.00 €
Life-Study of Isaiah, vol. 3    15.00 €
Life-Study of Jeremiah & Lamentations    18.00 €
Life-Study of Ezekiel, vol. 1    13.00 €
Life-Study of Ezekiel, vol. 2    13.00 €
Life-Study of Daniel    11.00 €
Life-Study of the Minor Prophets    15.00 €
Life-Study of Zechariah    10.00 €
Life-Study of Matthew, vol. 1, 2ed    19.00 €
Life-Study of Matthew, vol. 2, 2ed    18.00 €
Life-Study of Matthew, vol. 3, 2ed    17.00 €
Life-Study of Mark, vol. 1, 2ed    19.00 €
Life-Study of Mark, vol. 2, 2ed    19.00 €
Life-Study of Luke, vol. 1, 2ed    16.00 €
Life-Study of Luke, vol. 2, 2ed    17.00 €
Life-Study of Luke, vol. 3, 2ed    17.00 €
Life-Study of John, vol. 1, 2ed    19.00 €
Life-Study of John, vol. 2, 2ed    19.00 €
Life-Study of Acts, vol. 1, 2ed    19.00 €
Life-Study of Acts, vol. 2, 2ed    20.00 €
Life-Study of Romans, vol. 1, 2ed    18.00 €
Life-Study of Romans, vol. 2, 2ed    17.00 €
Life-Study of Romans, vol. 3, 2ed    16.00 €
Life-Study of 1 Corinthians, vol. 1, 2ed    19.00 €
Life-Study of 1 Corinthians, vol. 2, 2ed    20.00 €
Life-Study of 2 Corinthians, vol. 1, 2ed    18.00 €
Life-Study of 2 Corinthians, vol. 2, 2ed    18.00 €
Life-Study of Galatians, vol. 1, 2ed    16.00 €
Life-Study of Galatians, vol. 2, 2ed    16.00 €
Life-Study of Ephesians, vol. 1, 2ed    17.00 €
Life-Study of Ephesians, vol. 2, 2ed    19.00 €
Life-Study of Ephesians, vol. 3, 2ed    19.00 €
Life-Study of Philippians, vol. 1, 2ed    18.00 €
Life-Study of Philippians, vol. 2, 2ed    18.00 €
Life-Study of Colossians, vol. 1, 2ed    18.00 €
Life-Study of Colossians, vol. 2, 2ed    20.00 €
Life-Study of 1 & 2 Thessalonians, 2ed    19.00 €
Life-Study of 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, 2ed    18.00 €
Life-Study of Hebrews, vol. 1, 2ed    18.00 €
Life-Study of Hebrews, vol. 2, 2ed    18.00 €
Life-Study of Hebrews, vol. 3, 2ed    17.00 €
Life-Study of James, 1 & 2 Peter, vol. 1, 2ed    19.00 €
Life-Study of James, 1 & 2 Peter, vol. 2, 2ed    18.00 €
Life-Study of 1, 2, 3 John, Jude, vol. 1, 2ed    16.00 €
Life-Study of 1, 2, 3 John, Jude, vol. 2, 2ed    17.00 €
Life-Study of Revelation, vol. 1, 2ed    18.00 €
Life-Study of Revelation, vol. 2, 2ed    17.00 €
Life-Study of Revelation, vol. 3, 2ed    18.00 €
Basic Factors of the Church Service     6.00 €
Basic Principles of the Experience of Life    11.00 €
Challenging the Traditional Interpretations of Justification by Faith, Part 1    32.00 €
Character     7.00 €
Concerning the Person of Christ     6.00 €
Crystallization-Study of the Epistle of James     8.00 €
Economy and Dispensing of God, The    11.00 €
Exercising Our Spirit to Practice the Body Life     8.00 €
Experiencing Christ as Life and Being Constituted with the Truth for God’s Building     5.00 €
Fellowship Concerning Migration     6.00 €
Fulfilling God’s Purpose by Growing in Life and Functioning in Life to Build Up the Church     8.00 €
Further Consideration of the Eldership, the Region of Work, and the Care for the Body of Christ     6.00 €
Genuine Ground of Oneness, The    10.00 €
God-Man Living, The    10.00 €
High Peak of the Vision and the Reality of the Body of Christ, The     6.00 €
History and Revelation of the Lord’s Recover, The (Set, vol. 1-2)    23.00 €
How to Be a Co-worker and an Elder and How to Fulfill Their Obligations     8.00 €
Life Lessons (Set, vol. 1-4)    22.00 €
Living In and With the Divine Trinity     9.00 €
Need to Grow and Mature in Life, The     6.00 €
Opening Word to the Full-Time Trainees Concerning Regulations and Opinions, An     5.00 €
Organic Aspect of God’s Salvation, The     7.00 €
Organic Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ to be the Organism of the Processed and Dispensing Triune God, The     7.00 €
Practical Points Concerning Blending, The     6.00 €
Proper and Adequate Service to the Lord, The     7.00 €
Raising Up the Next Generation for the Church Life    19.00 €
Revelation and Vision of God, The    11.00 €
Scriptural Message, Book (1) One     9.00 €
Scriptural Message, Book (2) Two     9.00 €
Scriptural Message, Book (3) Three     9.00 €
Scriptural Message, Book (4) Four     9.00 €
Scriptural Message, Book (5) Five     9.00 €
Scriptural Message, Book (6) Six     9.00 €
Speciality, Generality, and Practicality of the Church Life, The     7.00 €
Spirit, The     9.00 €
Vision of the Age, The     8.00 €
Way of the Lord’s Recovery, The    13.00 €
Word of Love to the Co-workers, Elders, Lovers, and Seekers of the Lord, A     7.00 €
Young People’s Training    12.00 €
Holy Bible Recovery Version (schwarz, gebunden)    50.00 €
Holy Bible Recovery Version (burgunderrot, Ledereinband)  110.00 €
Holy Bible Recovery Version (schwarz, Ledereinband)  110.00 €
Holy Bible Recovery Version (nur Text, schwarz, Ledereinband)    40.00 €
Hymns #1-1348 (L, nur Text)    18.00 €

German Publications

Abraham — von Gott berufen    15.00 €
allumfassende Christus, Der    10.00 €
Anwendung der Auslegung des Neuen Jerusalem auf die suchenden Gläubigen, Die     5.00 €
Baum des Lebens, Der     9.00 €
Christus durch Gebet als das Wort und den Geist genießen     5.00 €
Christus ist alle geistlichen Angelegenheiten und Dinge     5.00 €
Ein Lektionenbuch – Stufe eins: Errettung     6.00 €
Ein Lektionenbuch – Stufe zwei: Der Dreieine Gott     7.00 €
entscheidende Offenbarung des Lebens in der Schrift, Die     9.00 €
Erfahrung Christi als Leben für den Aufbau der Gemeinde, Die     9.00 €
Ergebnis der Verherrlichung Christi mit der göttlichen Herrlichkeit durch den Vater, Das     5.00 €
Erkenntnis des Lebens, Die    11.00 €
Evangelium Gottes, Das (2 Bände)    20.00 €
Fragen zum Evangelium    11.00 €
Geheimnis der Erfahrung Christi, Das     7.00 €
Gott Abrahams, Isaaks und Jakobs, Der    10.00 €
Gottes Überwinder    10.00 €
Heilige Geist und die Wirklichkeit, Der     5.00 €
Leben für das Predigen des hohen Evangeliums, Das     5.00 €
Leben und der Weg für die Praxis des Gemeindelebens, Das     9.00 €
Leben, das überwindet, Das    10.00 €
Lebenslektionen, Band 1     5.00 €
Lebensstudium Epheserbrief (1 Band, gebunden)    10.00 €
Lebensstudium Hebräerbrief (1 Band, gebunden)    10.00 €
Lebensstudium Johannesevangelium (1 Band, gebunden)    10.00 €
Lebensstudium Römerbrief (1 Band, gebunden)    10.00 €
Lebenswandel des Gott-Menschen, Der    10.00 €
Lied der Lieder, Das     9.00 €
Mit dem Herrn in Kontakt treten, im Geist erfüllt sein und angemessene christliche Versammlungen abhalten für die Erfüllung von Gottes ewigem Vorsatz     5.00 €
neue Bund, Der     7.00 €
Tag für Tag erneuert werden     3.00 €
Zerbruch des äußeren Menschen und die Befreiung des Geistes, Der     8.00 €

Standing Order for HWMR in Europe

Lebensstrom also offers standing order for HWMR in English, German and Russian. Please visit the webpage below for more details.